off-grid Packages
Rest assured, all our package can be easily upgraded to accommodate future growth. Each package can be fine tuned to fit budget, specific usage levels, and back up ability, all with out closing-off potential expansion.
Ideal for 100W - 1,000W of daily usage
The Lite package forms the base building blocks, and can be easily expanded. This package stresses budget, with proper power usage it can easily accommodate for:
LED lights
Opportunity to run a TV and other small appliances
Up to 400Ah of stored energy
With light daytime usage, this system is perfect for late night movies, after a day on the lake.
Ideal for 1,000W - 5,000W of daily usage
THe Back-up package
The Back-up package, takes into account the rainy days, and the indoor activities that come with. This package stresses flexibility, being ready for bad days, means better reliability on the good ones, this system can accommodate for:
LED Lights
Multiple TVs, Laptops, and other small appliances
Ability to run a small refrigerator
Up to 600Ah of stored energy
Back-up generation integration available
Ideal for 5,000W+ of daily usage
Living Skies package
The LSS package is for those going off grid, full time. This package stresses reliability, high-lighting the modular capabilities of our packages. This system can easily accommodate for:
LED Lights
Multiple house hold appliances
Air Conditioning units
Up to 1000Ah of stored energy
Multiple inputs and outputs, and integrated back up generator capabilities.
This system will have multiple power points, should there be a failure with one, the other can continue to provide consistent reliability.